PSG: Kylian Mabppé’s dad Wilfried was furious, here is why

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Wilfrid Mbappe
Wilfrid Mbappe

After declining to activate his option to extend his contract until June 2025 last summer, Paris Saint-Germain forward Kylian Mbappé was sidelined during the summer.

Wilfried Mbappé struggled during this period, especially with the numerous rumors. While Kylian Mbappé sought and eventually reached a deal with PSG to rejoin the squad, this period was particularly difficult for the camp of the French international.

Especially for his father Wilfried, as revealed by journalist Christian Jeanpierre, a longtime friend, in a documentary that will be broadcast on La Chaîne L’Équipe this Monday.

« Furious? Oh yes. There was reason for it. It was tough. I don’t think he lost his cool. I think in his head, knowing ‘Will’ well, it was like a pressure cooker and he wanted to explode at everyone, but he didn’t. He didn’t go crazy at all, there was reason for it. There were outright lies being spread by very influential people. Complete falsehoods. And in those situations, all you want to do is go out, call L’Equipe, and say ‘Hey guys, you’re talking nonsense about my son’ and he didn’t do it. And I admire that composure, it takes a lot, » Jeanpierre explained.

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